Sunday, April 22, 2012

Have you Any Dreams you'd Like to Sell?

I had a really weird dream last night. My friend and I were at a pep rally in A.C. Moore (yes, the art store, but it was like a maze), and for some reason we had to go into the big back room and we were attacked by this freakishly tall man. We escaped, I don’t remember how, and then in that room we started a celibacy club, complete with sashes like Julia's in 1984. Everyone in our honors English class wanted to join, but we found out that the only reason they did was to get out of doing work and to get the free food we offered. So then my friend and my other friend that appeared out of nowhere went back to the English class and our teacher really wasn’t surprised that free food was preferred over her teaching. And then I woke up.
I’ve stopped trying to analyze the bizarre things that happen inside my twisted skull. I guess the moral of this story is you can get anybody to go anywhere if you promise them free food? I don’t know.
My sick dreams aside, I’ve started to come up with ideas for a story. It’s about a 17 year old girl who moves into a house and finds a cursed book from the 18th century with loads of writing and artwork in it. Some of the artwork however, is by an emo boy around her age, who she meets and tries to discover the book’s origins with. I don’t know just yet exactly what’ll happen, but it’ll be cool. It’ll certainly make more sense than that dream.
I had my last art class yesterday and made this beautiful, surrealist-inspired collage:

“But open your eyes and you’ll be surprised to find out how much more something different can mean.” ~Roach, Starship, (another Starkid musical on YouTube)

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